Walking in Divine Timing

Walking in Divine Timing

Friends, I invite your spirit to take center stage, and your soul to step aside as we explore a topic that's often complex and puzzling: human timing versus God’s timing. If you're struggling with discerning God's plan for your life, this post is for you. Our guide for this journey is none other than Joshua, a man who beautifully balanced divine timing in his life.

Joshua: The Perfect Role Model

Joshua spent 40 years following Moses, learning from him, and never attempting to take his place prematurely. He watched, learned, and waited for his season to arrive. There must have been a thousand incidents Joshua saw Moses do that he would have done differently, but Joshua never usurped Moses' leadership. When Joshua's season did arrive, he thrived. God rewarded Joshua's patience with longevity and vitality far beyond the norm.

Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan and stepped down when his season ended, even though the conquest was incomplete. He neither jumped ahead of God’s plan nor overstayed his role.

The Tension Between Spirit and Soul

Often, our spirit and soul are in conflict, particularly concerning timing. Your spirit might have clarity about God's call on your life, but your soul may get restless, questioning why you're not yet where you've been shown you should be. It's crucial for your spirit to be firm, advising the soul, "We won’t walk ahead of God’s timing."

The Length of Your Season

There's no hard and fast rule for how long seasons will last. Moses had a 40-year season. Joshua's season stretched for 80 years. Esther’s season lasted just a week or two. Stepping out of your season when it's time is just as important as not running ahead. There is as much discipline to step out of that season when it is over and to let someone else step into it as there is to refrain from running ahead of God.

Your Season, Your Timing

I bless your spirit with the resilience to withstand pressure from your soul, your community, and the enemy's lies. May you walk magnificently in your season, neither rushing ahead nor holding back.

I bless you in the Name of Jesus Christ to navigate your divine season with wisdom and grace. May you be as patient as Joshua, aware of your season, and obedient to God's timing. Amen.