

I call your spirit to attention in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. Listen to God's Word for you in Isaiah 26:3-4 regarding peace and trust:

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal."

The word "trust" is very significant in the Old Testament. It is not an act of your will, where you choose to risk something, but it is a profound emotional confidence in which you are completely expecting things to be right.

I bless you with having perfect peace that comes from trusting in the Lord. I bless you with experiencing your Father's faithfulness in providing for you. Your needs change and your provisions will come from many different sources. I bless you with seeing your Father provide again and again so that you can have complete, total, and emotional confidence that He will provide your daily bread.

Perfect Peace

I bless you with having perfect peace about your Father's communication with you. He will speak at times through His Word very clearly to you and very personal to you. At times, He will be silent, and even His Word will seem closed and dry. I bless you with confidence and peace during the silences of God as you stand on the things He said to you in the past. I bless you with no anxiety in the present because God has spoken so richly in the past. I bless you with the surety of knowing He will speak again at the right time and the right place - that you will hear clearly what you need to hear at those times to make the right decisions.

I bless you with feeling peace over the timing of God in all things. I bless you with having your mind steadfast on the memories of God's past faithfulness so that when you come up against what appears to be a crisis situation, you will have perfect peace He will move at exactly the right time.

I bless you with experiencing God's protection in the danger that comes near you but does not touch you. I bless you with having your eyes open, with seeing circumstances and situations where the enemy set a trap that you didn't see, but your Father in His infinite wisdom and power removed the trap before you were aware of it. I bless you with growing experiences of His protecting your body, your soul, your spirit, and the call upon your life. I bless you with having a mind that is set on Christ, who offers this peace.


And, as always, I bless you with evangelism being a natural and normal part of your life, the normal conversation that you have with friends and strangers you meet only in passing. And, I bless you with being a mighty reconciler bringing people into peace with God.

I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Learn more about nurturing and blessing your spirit here.