

Beloved, I call your spirit to attention.

I bless you with a supernatural understanding of the Table of Shewbread with an understanding of God's supernatural provision for His people throughout history. And, not just an understanding, but an expectancy for God's provision in your life. I bless you with the ability to walk in the knowledge that your needs have been provided for. Not just a head knowledge, but gut knowledge.

I bless you with the boldness to walk as the Lord leads you when you can't see the path. The boldness you open your mouth knowing that the words you need with be provided. I bless you with grace in times of weakness or doubt, that the Lord would allow you to see what's on the path before you. He would give you the words before you open your mouth. In those times when you can't see what's ahead, but proceed with His direction, I bless you with an exponential increase of faith and fire for God, knowing that God's supernatural powers provide for your every need, and as this revelation continues to grow, that you are unstoppable.

I bless you with the ability to sit and commune with God in times of turmoil To just rest at the table of shewbread, enjoy a dinner with Dad. lunch with your older brother, breakfast with your best friend, a late-night snack with your Bridegroom. They'll bring the food, you just show up and fellowship. Get to know them better. Find out just how much they care about your every need.

I bless you with understanding the difference in your needs and your wants as God sees them. Not that so many things you think you need are wants, but in fact many of the things you think are wants are needs in God's eyes. Don't discount God's provision. I bless you with an attitude of abundance and expectancy, but first, an attitude of gratitude.

I bless you with an infectious spirit that others would see God's provision in your life for what it is, and not the efforts of man. I bless you with a peace that surpasses understanding because supernatural provision often looks like a supernatural disaster before God provides.

Want to learn more about blessing your spirit, visit Arthur Burk's site at