Joy in His Presence

Joy in His Presence

Psalm 16:11 says,

“You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

You have experienced many different kinds of joy— the joy of parental love, of friends and relationships, of accomplishment, of seeing God work in and through you, of seeing other people empowered to accomplish things. Your Father designed you to experience a vast number of joys that are legitimate, good, and wonderful. I bless you with your life being full of many different kinds of joy. I bless you with the greatest joy that comes from experiencing the presence of God in your spirit. I bless your spirit as a sanctuary, not a war zone, a safe place, a place where you are visited by the Holy Spirit and He broods over your spirit, and you become intensely familiar with knowing the presence of God with you. I bless you with sensing His presence watching over your life. I bless you with experiencing the joy of His presence in worship in private and public.

Path of Life

I bless you as your Father makes known the path of life for you. I bless you with joy as you see His presence in the world around you, His fingerprints on your own life, what He has prepared for you, the gifts that He has given you, the surprises that He has planned for you and the unexpected treasures He has placed in your life. In the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, I anoint your eyes with ointment from Revelation 3:18 to see in the Spirit realm things as they are, the gifts and the presence and hand of God, His truth, His love touches all through your life, day after day. I bless you with seeing the presence of God in those things that the world calls problems and pain. I bless you with having faith to look beyond the immediate price and to see the treasure that lies on the other side.

I bless you with the eternal pleasures at the right hand of your Father, the hand of authority and blessings. I bless you with hearing Him call you the beloved child of His right hand, His favorite child. I bless you with knowing that you bring Him pleasure. I bless you with the fullness of joy of the presence of the true and living God.

And, I bless you with evangelism being a natural and normal part of your life, the normal conversation you have with friends and strangers you meet only in passing. And, I bless you with being a mighty reconciler, bringing people into peace with God.

I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.